Positively Outrageous Service – Principle #3 “Unless you love everybody, you can’t sell anybody.” – Dicky Fox (Jerry Maguire) The third fundamental principle of Positively Outrageous Service: Create engagement by either getting the customer to play or get them involved in other ways. A service experience that is fun makes it highly memorable and lends itself to positive word-of-mouth. Your customer can't help themselves but to tell others! For more on this listen to our 15 minute radio … [Read more...]
Out of Proportion to the Circumstances
Positively Outrageous Service - Principle #2 "I'm in the service business. I mean, our sandwiches are pretty good; I don't know if they're extraordinary. But our service is." "Jimmy John" Liautaud The second key principle of Positively Outrageous Service is creating a service experience that is "out of proportion to the circumstances." It heightens the intensity, engagement and memorability of customer service, or in reality, any relational engagement! For more listen to our 15 minute … [Read more...]
Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!!!
Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you… I so appreciate you! We like to be thanked, don’t we? But there’s a big difference in being thanked through a text or an email or a simple handwritten thank you card? When was the last time you received a handwritten thank you card? How did that make you feel? Probably valued, precious … that person took the time to hand write a thank you card to appreciate you. When was the last time you did that for someone else? It makes a big … [Read more...]
Do you Care or Are you Caring?
Do you have a program for customer care or do you care for your customers? There’s a difference! Do you care or are you caring? – Positively Outrageous Service is the Distinction! It really came to me during a hospital visit. For the first time in my life I was admitted to hospital for an illness – not something self-inflicted like a bike crash. It was a fascinating experience. I got there through a misfortune … I had an infection that was not properly diagnosed … [Read more...]
A Simple Touch So I Know Where I Am!
For the first time in my life, I spent twenty-two hours in a hospital. Some of the touch points were fantastic, some mediocre and some average. But what irritated me the most was the lack of communication. When you’re in an ER or actually admitted into a hospital, there’s a lot of uncertainty – especially when it’s an undiagnosed illness or infection. Communication is paramount. A week later I’m talking to my friend, Sandi, who spent some considerable time with their child at Texas Children’s … [Read more...]